Cassandra O'Neill
Cassandra O’Neill brings her passion for learning to others through facilitation, teaching, and coaching. She brings over three decades of experience developing leadership within government organizations, social service agencies, and schools. She has extensive experience helping teams increase their impact by working together better. She has certifications in Conversational Intelligence for Coaches and Appreciative Living Coaching. In addition, She teaches Pilates and Gyrontonic®, hosts weekly Empathy Circles, and is part of an international community of Flow Game hosts. You can learn more about her at She holds a Bachelor's of Art in Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Master's of Political Science from Rutgers University. Cassandra lives in Tucson, Arizona.
Melina Ponak
Collaboration, iteration, and one-on-one listening are central to Melina’s work and play. Since the early days of the pandemic she has been honing best practices for equally-reciprocal listening through membership in the International Listening Association, running a month-long Women’s Listening Space, and continually inviting friends and family to experience an Idea Sharpening session with her. Melina studied the History of Ideas at McGill University, holds a professional certificate in medicinal herbology, and regularly draws on her varied experiences as an entrepreneur, farmer, storyteller, and teacher. Melina enjoys dancing (for how it feels, not how it looks), learning songs on her ukulele, and exploring the beaches where she lives in Victoria, British Columbia.